Ako/Learning at Hāpuku
At Hāpuku School, we understand that all our ākonga are individuals, learn differently and have specific needs. At Hāpuku we do not operate on a one size fits all approach. We focus on catering to the holistic needs of each ākonga.
Mā te whakātu, ka mohio, mā te mohio ka marama, mā te marama ka matau, mā te matau ka ora.
With discussion comes knowledge, with knowledge comes light and understanding, with light and understanding comes wisdom, with wisdom comes wellness.
Localised Curriculum
Localised Curriculum Hāpuku School aims to prepare and equip all our ākonga to be seek learning in all situation and environments creating diverse, adaptable lifelong learners. One vehicle we use to achieve this is our Localised curriculum. We integrate this into our 4 uara/ Values. We do this by
– Kotahitanga: Creating connection with our Iwi, Hapū, whānau and Hāpori. Using local knowledge and expertise to inform and educate our kura. Each Friday we have a haerenga/ trip within our community.
– Ako: Use Local knowledge and environment to inform, influence and drive our curriculum.
– Hauora: Use mātauranga to fulfil hauora needs of our ākonga. ie knowledge systems etc.
– Tuakiritanga: Ensure that all ākonga form authentic connection with curriculum and learning.
Our Hāpukutanga
Our Hāpukutanga emcompasses our Four Key Focus Areas that develops and drives our successes at Hāpuku. Our Strategic Goals are based on these focus areas:
Ako (Learning), Hauora (Wellbeing), Kotahitanga (Community Partnerships) and Tuakiri (Culture and identity).
Ako (Learning)
At Hāpuku School we are creating and developing an environment that will engage and inspire our ākonga to drive their own learning. We are doing by:
- Create Te Marautanga o Hāpuku and authentically integrate local curriculum into this
- Upskill all staff and develop an engaging, relevant and purposeful Literacy and Numeracy programmes to ensure all ākonga’s needs are met.
- Implement an assessment plan to cater to needs of ākonga through achievement data and continual review of ākonga goals to ensure learning is relevant and purposeful.
- Embed assessment practices and use this information to inform next steps for ākonga and kaiako
- Regularly evaluate and document Teaching and Learning practices including assessment to ensure they are relevant, purposeful and accurate
Hauora (Wellbeing)
Hāpuku School views and values our tamariki as a whole- taha tīnana, taha hinengaro, taha wairua, taha whānau. We understand that all areas need to be catered to in order for our tamariki to be fulfilled and successful. We are catering to these needs by:
- Holistically setting individual goals for each ākonga regularly with input from whānau and other agencies and professionals working with each ākonga (RT and other)
- Set goals are monitored and reviewed regularly with whānau and ākonga
- Creating a process to work with all providers to create a wrap around support system to cater to all hauora needs of our ākonga; taha tīnana, taha hinengaro, taha wairua, taha whānau. This an inclusive system with all agencies/ providers understanding and working together for the benefit of ākonga and whānau.
- Consolidate use of all current systems to whakanui our ākonga creating investment and accountability of their own learning
- Ensure Policies and Procedures are updated, documented and followed explicitly including Health and Safety Procedures & Vulnerable Children’s Act
Kotahitanga (Community Partnerships)
Hāpuku School is a central pillar for our community and also a part of a larger hāpori in Kaikōura. We are working towards developing our kura so it will cater to the physical needs of our hāpori as well grow authentic relationships. We are doing this by:
- Create and participate in Local events
- Partner with other kura in Kāhui Ako and region to create opportunities for whakawhanaungatanga
- Implement Hāpuku landscape Plan to create an environment that is engaging, purposeful and inviting for all
- Embed Hāpori Day’s into Hāpuku Timetable (Friday/ Local Curriculum and Hautututanga) to engage with others in the community
- Create/ Recreate/ reconnect with Iwi, hapū/ marae of Kaikōura to ensure meaningful connections with mātauranga, taiāo, tāngata
Tuakiritanga (Culture and identity)
Hāpuku School has its unique identity in relation to its location alongside our Special Character. We uplift the mana of our tuakiritanga by:
- Increase Te Reo Māori delivery in Hāpuku curriculum
- Authentically embed pūrākau, tikanga and whakapapa into our Teaching and Learning through Local Curriculum
- Create an environment and landscape that reflects and embeds the Cultural Narrative of our kura, iwi, Hāpori.