Our Kura
We are connected to the whenua (landscape learning), surrounding mountain ranges and together with whānau will ensure that this foundation sustains learning at Hāpuku School.
Mana Whenua
The maunga, the moana and Māngamāunu marae represent Mana Whenua of our school in the same way that our whānau, hapū and iwi provide our ākonga with the best possible educational outcomes and learning opportunities that authentically incorporate Mātauranga Māori and Local Curriculum.
From Māngamāunu Marae we can view the surrounding domains of Tangaroa, Tane, Rangi and Papa and learn about the past that will lead us into the future. We are also connected to the whenua (landscape learning), surrounding mountain ranges and together with whānau will ensure that this foundation sustains learning at Hāpuku School.
Hāpuku is a U1 Designated Character School that delivers level 2 Bilingual Education Programmes in our Teina (years 1-4) and our Tuakana (years 5-8). The School comprises a teaching Tumuaki (Principal), another Kaiako (Teacher), Kai āwhina (Teacher Aides), Kaitiaki whenua (Caretaker) and Kaiwhakahaere Tari (Office Administrator).
Students attending the school come from the wider Kaikōura district. We have small class sizes and a high degree of individual attention with an emphasis on the Tuakana Teina model of learning.
We are passionate about Mātauranga Māori (Māori Knowledge) including Te Reo Māori, Te Ao Māori me ngā Tikanga. We have a close association to Mangamāunu Marae and support many kaupapa in our community.
Wāhi Ako/ Learning Areas
Main Building/ Administration Block:
– Reception Area/ office spaces
– Tuakana Karaehe (Main teaching space for Tuakana)
– Kitchen Area
Ka Kai Ka Ako/ Food in Schools Programme:
Our kura is lucky enough to be a part of Kai in Schools Programme. Ka Ora, Ka Ako | the healthy school lunches programme aims to reduce food insecurity by providing access to a nutritious lunch in school every day. Research indicates that reducing food insecurity for children and young people:
- improves wellbeing
- supports child development and learning
- improves learners’ levels of concentration, behaviour and school achievement
- reduces financial hardship amongst families and whānau
- addresses barriers to children’s participation in education and promotes attendance at school
- boosts learners’ overall health.
As a part of this programme Hāpuku School provides
– Parakuihi (Breakfast),
– choices of kai for Paramanawa (morning tea) and
– Wā Tina (Lunch).
Also we have Wā Mīraka me Hua rākau (Milk and Fruit Time) which aims to reconnect and refuel our ākonga after Wā Tina (Lunch time) preparing them for last learning time of the day.
Puna Reo
Hāpuku School is the site for Kaikōura’s only Māori speaking Early Childcare Centre. Te Puna Reo o Te Ahi Kaikōura a Tama ki te Rangi, this is located in a new purpose built facility. Come and check out the facility, enrol, ask questions, meet the Kaiako, kaimahi and find out more about what is on offer for you and your whānau.
You can check out their website here.
Ko au te whenua, ko te whenua ko au
I am the land and the land is me
Hāpuku School wants to create a landscape that deepens the connection between Te Kura o Hāpuku tamariki and whānau to Te Ao Māori, Mana whenua (Iwi and Hapū) and our Taiāo (environment). We will do this by developing the school grounds around the atua tīpuna (ancestors) that are prominent to this area and increasing the influence of the natural world through the creation of outdoor learning spaces, classrooms, nature play and wilderness areas, shaping the whenua to embed our cultural narratives and whakapapa.
“Ko au te whenua, ko te whenua ko au”
I am the land and the land is me
We want to create an environment that showcases, acknowledges and enhances:
- our special character,
- our Iwi, Hapū, Marae connections (Ngāti Kurī, Kāti Mamoe, Mangamaunu, Takahanga)
- Whakapapa and Atua
- Pūrākau/ Cultural narratives
- Connects with NCTIR Iwi Package along coastline
- A learning resource that will drive and enhance authentic learning opportunities
- Drives our curriculum development and delivery
- Supports our Taiāo/ environment and sustainability practices.
The purpose and vision for this development are aimed to benefit:
- Ākonga and whānau
- Mana Whenua: Iwi, Hapū, Marae
- Wider Community/ Hāpori
- Other Stakeholders- BoT, Business, Funders